Tomie dePaola contest

As a member of SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators), I entered the Tomie dePaola contest – due last Friday. It is a long shot, but the winner gets admission paid to the NY conference in Feb 2014 and lunch with Tomie!! (Wouldn’t that be cool?!) The assignment was to illustrate the “Sneeze” poem below with an audience of 2 mos-2 yrs. Here is what I came up with:


A sneeze
is a breeze

Sneeze in Your Nose

Sneeze in Your Nose

Fingers and toes crossed! 🙂


Filed under animals, illustration, Tomie dePaola

6 responses to “Tomie dePaola contest

  1. David

    Hopefully you win two tickets.

  2. Betty

    Wow! I loved his book the clown of god. I hope you win. That would be a thrill to have lunch with Tommie dePaola. Hope your elephant wins.

  3. Wow! Watch out! Power sneeze alert. Super cute.

  4. Jill Pistulka

    I LOVE it and I feel it is a winner!

  5. Valerie Marquardt

    Very clever and creative! Wow. Let me know how things turn out.

  6. Sara, this is so cute, very clever! Cross fingers and toes!

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