Category Archives: Uncategorized

My blog has a NEW home!

Hi- check out my new blog’s home at

Easy to subscribe on my new site!!

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My Brand-Spankin-New Website!

Please check out my new website AND new blog’s home!  Visit

Same address. New look! Also, if you want to keep following my blogs, you have to subscribe AGAIN (sorry!) Just visit my BLOG page and “Follow My Blog” at the top right.

I’d love to have you continue!


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SkADayMo – Day 22

Sometimes you just have “those” days and you get off on the wrong foot in the morning. All day I’ve been feeling down because of a discussion that happened with my daughter. I can’t wait ’til she comes home.

I need a hug

I need a hug


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SkADaMo Day 19

So I spent a couple hours painting this elephant today. Quickly laid in color. Not taking too much time. Thinking about my color, mixing it on my pallet, then placing it on the paper. No need to go over and create layers and layers of paint. It feels fresh and extremely loose.

I feel the rhythm of their strut, feel the warmth of Africa, and enjoy the swing of their tails. “Tails”. Done.

It is just how I imagined it to be.

This feels like the last page in a picture book. I think I’ll write its story next.

Ele & Mom (finished)

Ele & Mom (finished)


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SkADaMo Day 18

Just got off of one of the busiest weekends of my life. (It reminded me of the holidays.) Am I glad it is Monday and I get some alone time with my pencil and paper! Ahhhhh! :)

I am continuing with the theme of “tail” and got this image in my mind of swinging tails. I wanted to see if I could draw the accentuated hip action and beautiful sway of an elephant — of a mama and her baby walking in sync as you can imagine them walking in Africa.

I will paint it tomorrow. Today, I ran out of day.

"tails" pencil sketch

“tails” pencil sketch

"tails" inked

“tails” inked


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SkADaMo – Day 12

This one is for yesterday…

I LOVE how the creative process works. So I started brainstorming what could be at the end of the doggie holding the umbrella (Monday’s sketch) and came up with an idea. Doodled it, then I based my PiBoIdMo (picture book story idea of the day) on the flying dog and my new sketch. Something triggered. And, hold on, Nellie, the ideas were a-flowin’!! The good news is that I came up with a story idea that I would like to develop and see where it takes me! The bad news is that I could not share it with you now because I don’t want to leak any possible golden nuggets!

So… got past that idea and late last night (still needing to come up with a sketch) I decided to play with emotions of determination and possible anger and did two very rough ideas. This is what I came up with.

At the end of the rope

At the end of the rope


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Character ideas

Since I’m doing “Storybook Idea A Day” also this month, I’m toying around with some character ideas. Doodles are all these are. I might develop one further tomorrow. We’ll see what inspires.

character ideas

character ideas


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“A Little Help from Friends”

I’m sending my holiday wishes into cyberspace now that life’s calm and routine have resumed. Resolutions have been made and I’ve made a commitment to blog more this year, so watch out!

To kick off the year, I thought I’d dissect my holiday card design entitled “A Little Help from Friends” and share the progress and thought process. People receive mobs of cards and letters, and you look at it and say, “oh, how pretty” but you never know what is in the artist’s head during its creation. So, here is my attempt to show the inside of mine…


Sketch with value study

The initial sketch with value study…  It started with this character in different positions, like balancing on one foot, holding a single candle, but it didn’t feel right, nor make sense, so decided she needed to be supported by frozen friends. (Isn’t that what we all dream about?) I thought it would be magical to have the entire night sky lit by single candles, representative of one’s spirit and truth. (Do you notice the other mountain tops have single glowing candles also? Other individuals are shining their lights too!)


Color Study 1

Next the color study: I add stars and the glow. I’m thinking something is “missing” or it feels “too big and unfocused”. The backpack and spiky climber’s hook feel out of place and harsh. I ask myself “why?” There needs to be a change.


Changed composition

So I play around in Photoshop and change the composition. I add trees to frame the main idea. The mountains no longer make sense, but I want to keep the single candle glow idea, so they become indistinguishable village building rooftops or mountain forms. I cover up the backpack/rope. My eye now focuses on the important part of the picture.


Acrylic painting begins

The first and second layers of paint are laid.


Adding details & highlights

Now I assess and the hat is too busy and is competing for attention, so I make it a solid. I also change the mouth. I no longer want it to be “o-shaped”. It looked like she was blowing out her light rather enjoying it’s magnificent glow. I add more highlights and shadows – this is the fun part. I let this stage simmer until the next day.


Final painting for my card

With my eyes rested, I approach it with final details in mind. I still need to add the “magic” and “winter”,  so this is what I do to create mood: I add the trickle of snow falling, add stars, but don’t make them obvious like they were in my color study, lighten the background subtly around the figure, add the lightest highlights to create the glow hitting the trees, figure, penguins, etc. so that she “pops” and there is no question where the focus lies.

Viola! I call it “done.”

The interior of the card reads, “Shine your light for the world to see.” It is my personal message to everyone to love being yourself, not be afraid to show and shine who you are, and to be a gift to others by being you.

The title of the art, “A Little Help from Friends”, comes from my reflection of the year, feeling the importance of relationships, the need to be supported and accept support in order to truly be my authentic self.

So now you know all of my insides and outs. 🙂

I hope 2013 brings you a new excitement, a new energy in your work, in your every day, in your being…in your spirit.

Happy New Year!


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Pig & Toad Wins Mom’s Choice Award!

momschoiceawards Pig & Toad

Another reason to celebrate! Pig and Toad won a GOLD Mom’s Choice Award! What an honor. Congrats to author, Dayle Quigley too!


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Pig & Toad wins an award!

Author Dayle Quigley of Pig & Toad: Best Friends Forever announced that our book won a silver Moonbeam Children’s Book Award for “Best First Published Book”!!


I know Pig and Toad already love the attention!


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